Giovanni Iudice was born in 1970, lives and works in Gela (CL) (I)
Iudice is a Sicilian painter, as can be seen from his tension in interpreting a painting moved by an ambiguous emotionality, never fully revealed, full of erotic sensuality, always poised between pleasure and suering, between beauty and horror, between the particular and the universal.
He is a gurative artist who often tackles social issues (his rst cycle of works dedicated to migrants dates from 2004) without ever falling into the trap of voyeurism or rhetoric.
He proposes a language in which drawing and painting alternate on the surface of the canvas. A pictorial drawing and a drawn painting are the tools with which the Gelese painter represents reality and at the same time reects on the meanings and human values that these generate. Works in which the representation of the existing is translated into a scale of intimate and at the same time universal values. He maps facts and places with
stubborn delity in an attempt to evoke something that goes beyond the simple illustration of the subject.
He paints snapshots of personal, yet universal meanings, metamorphoses sense and matter, transforms reality into feeling. His compositions, constructed by juxtaposing dierent frames, propose dierent points of view that together dene an improbable and illusory perspective, and show an often uncomfortably saturated space.
Iudice’s intentions are more abstract to the point of becoming a language of pure feeling, where the story becomes more enigmatic and the painting remains the chrysalis of an emotion, never fully revealed, but capable of evoking human values that kindle poetry.